Sunday, June 8, 2008

this is me...

Who did you last go out with?
+ hizazul...
What do you want to receive on your birthday?
+ kereta...ade sape2 kt sni nak bgi?hehehe....
Reach your hand out to the right. What do you touch?
+ bil astro...
What time did you sleep last night?
+ 3am++
What's the wallpaper on your computer?
+ my picture in purple colour..
What can you hear besides the computer?
+ suare org tgh masak kat tv
Do you agree to the saying "to Forgive is to forget"?
+ yupp
When was the last time tears started to roll down your cheek?
+ da lame aku xnngis..wlaupun aku ni senstif skit..
What/who makes you happy?
+ org yg aku syg la
What makes you sad?
+ ble tgk citer sedih or org yg aku syg marah kat aku...
What are your favorite books?
+ dare to fail n history books
What would you like to have right at this moment which seems totally impossible?
+ aku nk kat kl ni trun hujan duit..hahaha...
Who will you turn to if you have a huge problem?
+ dad
What's your favorite song at the moment?
+ with you by Chris brown..
What was the best event that happened last year?
+ Pidato Hasil LHDN peringkat kebangsaan.
Where did you go today?
+ xde g mne2 cume lepak kat bilik zaba...
Last thing you ate?
+ chickn rice
Who were you with?
+ my friend..
Do you love sunsets?
+ yuppp..
When is your b-day?
+ sept 19th

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