Sunday, June 8, 2008

Telefon BenQ E72

Telefon pintar (smartphone) ini bukan shja mpy ciri-ciri hebat malah rekaan jg menarik dan bersaiz kompak. Chya indikator dan permukaan seakan cermin menyerlahkan lagi gaya pada telefon ini dan memberi ciri peribadi kepada pemiliknya. Dengan E72 kamu boleh mengakses internet, memuat turun Podcast kegemaran, melanggan RSS dan byk lagi. Ia jg menempatkan 5 rangkaian mesej segera iaitu AOL, YAHOO, ICQ dan Google Talk pada satu platform utk kamu sembang menggunakan telefon bimbit menerusi beberapa rangkaian. Bg mrka yg sentiasa sibuk dan perlu membawa kerja2 di mana2 jua akan berpuas hati dgn fungsi Emel, panggilan VoIP, sambungan WiFi, GPRS dan EDGE serta teknologi Bluetooth.

Windows Mobile 6 Standard pula membolehkan kamu mengendali telefon ini dgn antara muka seakan Windows sementara Microsoft ActiveSync boleh menyelaras data, kontak dan sync antara PC dan telefon. Fungsi hiburan juga tidak ketinggalan kerana E72 menawarkan penstriman video dan hiburan talian serta menyokong pelbagai format popular seperti MP4 dan 3GP. Jika kamu mahukan muzik, pemain MP3 bersedia memainkannya dan storan tambahan microSD sehingga 2GB membolehkan lebih byk fail disimpan.

10 Ciri Lelaki Kasanova

1. Di awal perkenalan, si dia menjadi insan yang paling mulus. Apa sahaja yang kamu mahu semuanya akan di penuhi. namun harus di ingat semua itu hanya mampu bertahan tidak lebih sebulan. Sedikit demi sedikit si dia akan menunjukkan taringnya
2. Sentiasa kemas dan perwatakannya seperti berada, tapi sebenarnya poket kosong. Kalau ada pun cuma untuk buat pelaburan memikat kamu di awal perkenalan kemudian duit kamu pulalah jadi mangsa
3. Lelaki kasanova tidak pernah patuh pada janji, tengok sahaja setiap kali kamu keluar dating. Siapa yang akan sampai dahulu.
4. Sering beri pelbagai alasan apabila kesilapannya dapat dikesan. Lebih jelas lagi dia juga sering mempersalahkan orang lain atas kesalahanya sendiri.
5. Mementingkan kekemasan diri dan pakaian yang dipilih juga bukan calang-calang jenama. Maklumlah nak memikat ramai mangsa.
6. Baru kenal tidak sampai seminggu sudah berani mahu sentuh-sentuh di bahagian yang sensitif. Sengaja mahu menggoda kamu untuk pergi lebih jauh.
7. Apabila keluar dengannya, sia selalu tunjuk macho depan kamu. Ada masanya dia akan menegur perempuan lain dengan ramah di depan kamu. Kononnya mahu buktikan pada kamu si dia tidak curang di belekang kamu. tetap dia memang peramah dengan semua orang.
8. Selepas sebulan berkawan, si dia berani minta wang untuk di pinjam. tanpa sengan silu si dia memintanya daripada kamu.. Ha… alasan yang diberikan untuk meminjam itu mmg konkrit dan silap-silap hari bulan kamu akan termakan dengan kata-kata manisnya.
9. Lelaki kasanova biasanya mempunyai paras rupa yang agak tampan sebab itulah perempuan muda cair dan jadi mangsa. jangan mudah percaya pada wajah tetapi percayalah pada hati.
10. Jarang bercerita tentang keluarganya apatah lagi mahui membawa kamu berjumpa ibu bapanya. Ini sememangnya perkara yang sering berlaku. tetapi harus di ingat juga ada kalanya mereka ada mengajak tetap ajak ajak ayam sahaja. Mulut kata ya dalam hati tidak.
Artikel ini diperolehi dari Virtual Friends

this is me...

Who did you last go out with?
+ hizazul...
What do you want to receive on your birthday?
+ kereta...ade sape2 kt sni nak bgi?hehehe....
Reach your hand out to the right. What do you touch?
+ bil astro...
What time did you sleep last night?
+ 3am++
What's the wallpaper on your computer?
+ my picture in purple colour..
What can you hear besides the computer?
+ suare org tgh masak kat tv
Do you agree to the saying "to Forgive is to forget"?
+ yupp
When was the last time tears started to roll down your cheek?
+ da lame aku xnngis..wlaupun aku ni senstif skit..
What/who makes you happy?
+ org yg aku syg la
What makes you sad?
+ ble tgk citer sedih or org yg aku syg marah kat aku...
What are your favorite books?
+ dare to fail n history books
What would you like to have right at this moment which seems totally impossible?
+ aku nk kat kl ni trun hujan duit..hahaha...
Who will you turn to if you have a huge problem?
+ dad
What's your favorite song at the moment?
+ with you by Chris brown..
What was the best event that happened last year?
+ Pidato Hasil LHDN peringkat kebangsaan.
Where did you go today?
+ xde g mne2 cume lepak kat bilik zaba...
Last thing you ate?
+ chickn rice
Who were you with?
+ my friend..
Do you love sunsets?
+ yuppp..
When is your b-day?
+ sept 19th

Pulau Batu Putih

what was the first thing you thought this morning?
+ malaysia mng x prebutan pulau batu putih ptg nnti?????
What did you do last night?
+ tgk tv,mkn,on9,ym..
What do you hope to do this weekend?
+ pegi rmah mak sedara aku
What song are you listening to?
+ dont speak by no doubt
Have you ever told someone of the opposite sex you loved them?
+ yes..
How’s your heart lately?
+ dupp dapp dupp dapp..mcm bese je
What were you doing this afternoon at 12 p.m.?
+ tgk tv pastu siap2 nk pegi smyang jmaat
What was the reason you last cried?
+ xingat la...
What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
+ wat happens in vegas..
How did you meet the 3rd person on your top 6?
+ kat kelab dangdut...tgh bergelek sakan..hahaha
How old is he/she?
+ same age
Have you ever cried while in the shower?
+ xpenah rsanye..aku slalu mnyanyi smpai stengah jam
Have you ever, in anyway, been betrayed by someone you trusted?
+ nope
When was the last time you were given roses?
+ xpenah dpt pun
Is there anything that you are craving for right now?
+ n0ne
Where did your last hug take place?
+ kat kmpung,mlaka...last raya
Do people ever make stupid mistakes when spelling or saying your name?
+ Yesss
Do you drink tea?
+ ape barang minum teh..minum kopi jantan brulah mantap..haha
Does someone like you?
+ yupp..tapi xtaulah sma ade die btul2 minat dan syg kat aku ke x...
Where do you like to keep your money?
+ kat bank nnek ko
How do you want to get married?
+ kat kdai maple..abg2 maple yg kiut2 jdi pngapit aku..hehe
Would you ever dye your hair
+never...msti muke aku nmpak mcm jantan gampang kalo blonde..
What’s the closest pink thing to
+ xde
Do you have plans for tonight?
+ nk mkn org..
Are you wearing anything you
borrowed from someone?
+ nope..
Do you know anybody named Eric?
+ nama dia Eric Jiman Gee Gollo ;P
Do you go online every day?
+ slalu sgt..kat rmah lgilah slalu on9
The survey ends, last words?
+ no words can describe my happiness..glory2 man u..

Who are you....

hi once you open this, You
have ten
minutes to repost with the ONE number
that fits you best or you will be
bad luck for the next five years.
0..... Ugly.
1..... Single.
2..... Heartbroken.
3... .. Single and loving it.
4..... Want to tell someone you like
5..... Crushing.
6..... Like someone you can never have
7..... Taken by the best girl/boy
ever. :)
8..... eaten animal crackers for dinner
9..... always Missing her.
10.... always Missing him.
11.... Single but my heart is taken.
12.... Like over 4 girls/guys.
13.... its whatever
14.... Sick of getting hurt.
15.... Confused.
16.... a fighter
17.... Talking to someone.
18.... afraid to say i love you
19.... I am a power ranger.
20.... Slightly mad at the opposite
21.... Still love your ex.
22.... Just don't know what to do.
23.... Like someone that likes u back but
not going out
24.... think you're a
jedi in training
25.... you faught a koala and lost
26.....I am a ninja >=]
repost this as ... "YOU number __!!"

winner vs loser

The Winner is always part of the answer;
The Loser is always part of the problem.
The Winner always has a program;
The Loser always has an excuse.
The Winner says, "Let me do it for you;
The Loser says;" That is not my job."
The Winner sees an answer for every problem;
The Loser sees a problem for every answer.
The Winner says," It may be difficult but it is possible";
The Loser says, "It may be possible but it is too difficult."
When a Winner makes a mistake, he says," I was wrong";
When a Loser makes a mistake, he says," It wasn't my fault."
A Winner makes commitments;
A Loser makes promises.
Winners have dreams;
Losers have schemes.
Winners say," I must do something";
Losers say, "Something must be done."
Winners are a part of the team;
Losers are apart from the team.
Winners see the gain;
Losers see the pain.
Winners see possibilities;
Losers see problems.
Winners believe in win/win;
Losers believe for them to win someone has to lose.
Winners see the potential;
Losers see the past.
Winners are like a thermostat;
Losers are like thermometers.
Winners choose what they say;
Losers say what they choose.
Winners use hard arguments but soft words;
Losers use soft arguments but hard words.
Winners stand firm on values but compromise on petty things;
Losers stand firm on petty things but compromise on values.
Winners follow the philosophy of empathy: "Don't do to others what you would not want them to do to you";
Losers follow the philosophy, "Do it to others before they do it to you."
Winners make it happen;
Losers let it happen.