Sunday, June 8, 2008

Pulau Batu Putih

what was the first thing you thought this morning?
+ malaysia mng x prebutan pulau batu putih ptg nnti?????
What did you do last night?
+ tgk tv,mkn,on9,ym..
What do you hope to do this weekend?
+ pegi rmah mak sedara aku
What song are you listening to?
+ dont speak by no doubt
Have you ever told someone of the opposite sex you loved them?
+ yes..
How’s your heart lately?
+ dupp dapp dupp dapp..mcm bese je
What were you doing this afternoon at 12 p.m.?
+ tgk tv pastu siap2 nk pegi smyang jmaat
What was the reason you last cried?
+ xingat la...
What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
+ wat happens in vegas..
How did you meet the 3rd person on your top 6?
+ kat kelab dangdut...tgh bergelek sakan..hahaha
How old is he/she?
+ same age
Have you ever cried while in the shower?
+ xpenah rsanye..aku slalu mnyanyi smpai stengah jam
Have you ever, in anyway, been betrayed by someone you trusted?
+ nope
When was the last time you were given roses?
+ xpenah dpt pun
Is there anything that you are craving for right now?
+ n0ne
Where did your last hug take place?
+ kat kmpung,mlaka...last raya
Do people ever make stupid mistakes when spelling or saying your name?
+ Yesss
Do you drink tea?
+ ape barang minum teh..minum kopi jantan brulah mantap..haha
Does someone like you?
+ yupp..tapi xtaulah sma ade die btul2 minat dan syg kat aku ke x...
Where do you like to keep your money?
+ kat bank nnek ko
How do you want to get married?
+ kat kdai maple..abg2 maple yg kiut2 jdi pngapit aku..hehe
Would you ever dye your hair
+never...msti muke aku nmpak mcm jantan gampang kalo blonde..
What’s the closest pink thing to
+ xde
Do you have plans for tonight?
+ nk mkn org..
Are you wearing anything you
borrowed from someone?
+ nope..
Do you know anybody named Eric?
+ nama dia Eric Jiman Gee Gollo ;P
Do you go online every day?
+ slalu sgt..kat rmah lgilah slalu on9
The survey ends, last words?
+ no words can describe my happiness..glory2 man u..

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